Construction of new landfill HRAZDAN (including buildings and structures) in the Republic of Armenia

Start date: 22-December-2020

Due date: 15-November-2022


Technical area:

Water And Environment – Contamination


Kotayki ev Gegharkuniki KKTK LLC


In co-operation between the Republic of Armenia – Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development (“RAMTAD”) and the Ministry of Urban Development (“MUD”), with the Kotayk and Gegharkunik “Marzes” (“regions”) and the Municipalities of Hrazdan, Abovian, Byureghavan, Chambarak, Charentsavan, Gavar, Martuni, Nor Hachn, Sevan, Tsakhkadzor, Vardenis, Yeghvard, and adjacent villages, there is implemented the “KOTAYK AND GEGHARKUNIK SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT” with a loan of 5.5 MEUR from EBRD and a grant of 5.5 MEUR from the EU Neighbourhood Investment Facility-NIF provided to the Republic of Armenia. The project comprises re-structuring the waste management by the creation of a Landfill Management/ Operating Company, operating as a commercially sustainable unit, as well as by possibly tendering out of the waste collection in a transparent manner to private companies. A key part of the project is the preparation of a regional sanitary landfill in Kotayk: One already identified existing dumpsite in Hrazdan shall be upgraded into a regional sanitary landfill according to modern standards and state of art. This landfill shall be a demonstration facility for the entire country.

Landfill Construction
Waterproofing by using HDPE and GCL layer
Construction of roads
Earth embankment
Landfill and dumpsite works
Construction of building and other structures