Construction of irrigation and drainage system of Arys-Turkestan-1

Start date: 25-January-2023

Due date: 09-April-2022

Status: In Progress

Technical area:

Water And Environment – Irrigation


Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Due to more than 60 years since the Arys-Turkestan irrigation and drainage network system construction, the need for renovation was studied by the Project Consultant (SMEC). According to surveys, the cultivation in the Arys-Turkestan region (Ikan region) mainly consists of cotton, forage corn, watermelon, apple, apricot, and grape orchards. This land area is covered by an irrigation and drainage network of over 283 kilometers to provide water for farms. The Project area is related to Silk Highway Road connecting China, Kazakhstan, and Russia.

Collapsed or damaged canal offtake and control structures
Overgrown and silted irrigation canals and drainage canals
Damaged or collapsed concrete canal linings and canalettes (elevated parabolic flumes)
Damaged or inoperable vertical drainage wells (VDWs); Damaged, missing or inoperable control gates
Destroyed electrical systems, especially at major structure control gates and VDWs; and Eroded upstream and downstream protection works and aprons at diversion weirs
To address these physical deficiencies as well as to improve operational aspects, the proposed main types of works include the following
Repairs to main canal head and cross regulators, concentrating on upstream and downstream protection works and control gates
Improved secondary canal off‐take structures;
Repairs to or reconstruction of unlined irrigation canals and drainage channels to restore needed design capacities;
Construction of linings at canal locations where high seepage losses have been identified;
Repairs to or replacement of channel concrete sections, whether precast
Flumes (canalettes), precast vertical or inclined slabs, or cast in‐situ linings;
Repairs to or construction of canal control structures including cross regulators, off‐takes and division boxes;
Replacement of VDWs.
Provision of hydroposts to improve flow measurement and calibration at suitable locations, especially at points of delivery of water to lower‐level farmer‐managed systems.