Construction and securing of downstream flood drainage system, access road, and remaining works of Narmashir (Nesa) dam

Start date: 25-January-2023

Due date: 21-June-2023

Status: In Progress

Technical area:

Transportation – Subway & Rail


The Railways of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Following the occurrence of a great flood in 2017 at the site of the Narmashir Dam, the flood drainage system of the Nesa Dam started to discharge. This flood caused severe erosion of the downstream waterway and destroyed three dikes and a village 4 kilometers away from the dam. Therefore, Tunnel Sadd Ariana Company, based on its social duty, decided to repair and renovate the place.
Construction of access roads
Execution of the structure of the spillway canal of Nesa’s Dam with 511 meters length
Equipping and repairing dam’s office buildings
Implementation of the water supply system to the official site
Execution of greenbelt from the dam’s spillway