Construction and installation works on Improvement of Irrigation and Drainage System of Pravoberezhny Magistral Canal (PMC)

Start date: 04-February-2022

Due date: 04-October-2023

Status: In Progress

Technical area:

Water And Environment – Irrigation


Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Almaty, Kyzylorda, South Kazakhstan, and Zhambyl regions, located in the south of Kazakhstan, have favorable agro‐climatic conditions for increasing crop productivity and higher-value crops like cotton, vegetables, and fruits with export potential and use of livestock. These four regions facilitate job opportunities for the local population by setting up agricultural products processing enterprises. According to IDIP‐2 Plan, the source of water in these four regions are dams, reservoirs, and rivers. The project has been defined in different sub‐project areas (SPAs), all covered under its World Bank-supported development program. The SPAs have a total net command area of 113.163 ha and are served by 10 I&D systems. Pravoberezhny Main Canal (PMC) SPA, located in rural districts Kunaev, Baluan- Sholak, Birlikustem, and Dulat of the Shu region in Zhambyl, is part of the Second Irrigation and Drainage Improvement Project (IDIP-2).

Construction and rehabilitation of irrigation canals drainage channels, offtake and control structures
Construction of access roads
Waterproofing of canal beds using HDPE geo membrane and concrete
Rehabilitation of vertical drainage wells (VDWs)
Reconstruction of electrical systems, especially at major structure control gates and VDWs
Repairing of main canal head and cross-regulators, off-takes, and division boxes
Rehabilitation of channel concrete sections with precast flumes (canalettes), and precast vertical or inclined slabs Cast in-situ linings
Provision of hydro posts to improve flow measurement and calibration at suitable locations
Observation Well