Rehabilitation of 180 km of railways in the regions of North, Tehran, Isfahan, East, South, Yazd, and Northeast (1)

Start date: 26-June-2020

Due date: 30-April-2023

Status: In Progress

Technical area:

Water And Environment – Irrigation


Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan


The South Karakalpakstan Water Resources Management Improvement Project (SKWRMIP) has been devised to address constraints on agricultural productivity in parts of the Uzbekistan territory lying within the South Karakalpakstan (SK). In addition, to complement the success of the DIWIP (Drainage Irrigation and Wetlands Improvement Project), the SKWRMIP emphasizes the improved water management of combined irrigation systems in general and on the irrigation system in particular. The SK irrigation system lies within three southern districts (raions) of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, namely Beruni, Ellikkala, and Turtkul at the tail end and on the right bank of Amu Darya. The Project Area covers an area of about 100,000 ha.

Construction and rehabilitation of irrigation canals
Construction of drainage channels
Construction of offtake and control structures
Construction of access roads
Waterproofing of canal beds using HDPE geomembrane and concrete
Precast vertical or inclined slabs
Construction of bridges and other structures