Construction of collectors and run-off collection systems in Karaj

Start date: 01-June-2012

Due date: 01-September-2019

Status: Completed

Technical area:
Water And Environment – Water Transfer

Karaj municipality


Karaj residents had always been suffering from the dangers of floods and waterlogging, caused by cities special geographical location and inadequate infrastructures, and they do not have fond memories from rainfall. Implementation of the surface water collection network plan was an effective action to organize floods and prevent flooding in these urban and rural areas. Construction of collectors and run-off collection systems in districts such as Beheshti, Barghan, Hajiabad, Mohammadshahr, Madar Square, Akhtarabad, and Fardis are examples of projects completed by the company as part of mentioned plans.


Design, construction, and execution of the main collector and run-off collection and wastewater transfer on Baraghan street (Three phases)
Design, construction, and execution of the main collector and run-off collection and wastewater transfer on Baraghan street (Three phases)
Construction of Northern Karaj flood diversion channel
Collection and conduction of run-off of Akhtarabad, Shabanabad, Valieasr, and their branches